Monday, September 21, 2009

music video - behind the scenes

so at the end of august, we shot our first music video with some good friends of ours who own a company called "realistic films" for our song titled "don't blink."

day 1 was shot all through one of our original hometowns wilmington at a movie theatre called "the mar theatre" that we all went to growing up. day 2 was shot all throughout various locations in chicago.

we had a huge crew with us the entire weekend helping us out and they were all a blast to work with... so special thanks to pat christl, wojtek kielar, rebecca hurst, kaylee magro, hanna ashbaugh, dave pawela and everyone else who was there. you know who you are.

fortunately, we had the privalage of using one of, if not the best cameras out there called "the red" camera. huge thanks to lawrence daufenbach for being there and helping out.

we couldn't have asked for a more fun weekend. we got to pretend like we were playing the same song about 40 times in a row for hours on end. ...yeah. if we didn't know what it sounded like before, we definitely do now. so far we've seen a rough cut and are patiently awaiting the final version. we're all super excited to see the final version so we can show you. view it with your eyes. ...not your nose.

...without giving away too much about what happens in the video, here are some photos from the weekend that show a lot of the people involved:

(click on any photo to enlarge)

in other news, we're doing a new photo shoot soon... so be on the lookout for new promo photos. ...our second metro show was a great time, so thank you to everyone who came and listened. ...and we have some new songs in the making. take sand, collaborate winter, face the future, sell carrots, and say... "hey? is that triumph and parade's new stuff?"

see ya soon.
from triumph and parade

1 comment:

jilian dee said...

so I miss you guys like crazy, no seriously :( I need to take Dex out there for a weekend visit.